Sunday, February 22, 2009

Enjoying Raider athletics?

If you, indeed, are enjoying the outstanding performances of Raider athletes, or perhaps you were a Harrison athlete sometime in the past and know how valuable those experiences were for you, please consider joining the efforts of the Harrison Athletic Booster Club! There are membership levels available to fit any budget (see left side panel), all memberships are for 12 months regardless of when you join so it is never  too late or too early in the school year to join and to top it off the process is so simple--it can even be completed right here online!--and every penny of your membership will go toward enhancing Harrison's athletic programs!

Membership in the Harrison Athletic Booster Club does not require anything beyond your financial support, but any member who would like to become hands-on involved as a sports representative, in the production of our seasonal program or in the hosting of programs such as the annual Raider Pride Night is more than welcome to come aboard!

If you are interested in being contacted regarding such service opportunities or have any questions or comments about the Harrison Athletic Booster Club organization or membership to it, you may either leave a comment on the blog, or contact us at  

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Raider Up for Hoops action

This is the heartland of Indiana so, of course, there is always some awesome action on the Harrison basketball court!  Here are a few highlights of last night's game vs. West Lafayette.  The Raiders may have come up a bit short on the final score, but there was no shortage of excitement and action on the hardwood throughout the evening!  Even the Indiana Pacers mascot "Boomer" stopped by to cheer on the HHS men!

Even more impressive than the dynamite hoops action, the students of Harrison teamed up with the students of West Lafayette HS to raise over $9,000 to begin a scholarship fund in memory of their classmate Katherine ("Kate") Baker who was killed by a drunk driver this past November.  That is incredible!!!  

Here's a few images of the action.  To view the entire collection of photos, you may  double click on any of the images (this will take you to and then click on the HHS Basketball collection shown to the right of the center image.  To view images as a slideshow, go to (enter site, click client proofing, enter raiderbball09 as password).  

Coach VanArsdel leading the troops

Harrison's Corey Shandrick beats the defense to put up the shot

The Raider cheerleaders were there to lead the crowd

Raider Athletic Director Jerry Galema poses with HHS students and the WL A.D. after presenting the check to begin the Kate Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund


Boomer shares some high fives with the Raider faithful

Lots of  "oohs and aahs" and a ton of laughter surrounded Boomer and his halftime antics


HHS's BJ Bennett threads the ball through traffic to set up the basket

Raider Jacob VanArsdel delivers some mighty defense against the Red Devils

Harrison's Blair Banker reaches high for the score

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Swimmers, take your mark..."

Although this blogger has been a bit slow in getting in new entries, there has been a lot of wonderful athletic action occurring this winter season at Harrison!  

This weekend the boys' swim team in competing in sectional action at West Lafayette High School.  Raider swimmers and divers,  both the men and the women, have had a great season in the water.  Here, as those seasons, draw to a close, are a few highlights from the pool deck (to see a full collection of images taken throughout the season, simply double click on any of the below shots to view the entire set on OR to view them as a slideshow, go to --enter site, click on client proofing and enter raiderswim09 as the password).

The Raider Boys Swim team under the terrific leadership of Coach Beth Brown

The Lady Raiders Swimmers & Divers and their outstanding Coach Kristen Trella







