Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Running on all levels

This evening I had the privilege of watching two great Harrison athletic events--ones that are all-to-often left out of the spotlight.  My first stop was to see the JV soccer team take on the Jefferson Brochos.  These guys could do things with their feet most people couldn't do with their hands!  In the end, the Raiders were victorious (3-1)!  Although I didn't get to witness it firsthand, my sources tell me (okay, my sophomore son was in the stands for the whole evening) that the varsity team went on to triumph, as well!  Congratulations, futballers!

Then it was a quick jaunt down by the river to watch the Harrison Cross Country teams.  The Raiders were hosting an eight team meet at the beautiful Tippecanoe Ampitheater.  I will confess, this was my first time out to the cross country venue and I was surprised to find that fans have to work hard --running from spot to spot to catch glimpses of the dashers--if they truly want to take in the whole race.  But, boy, was it worth it to see those decked in the blue and orange running strong and making Raider fans proud.

Have you gone out to watch your favorite Raider team in action yet this fall?  Maybe you're ready for an introduction to an unfamiliar sport.  Well, either way, you can't lose when you support Raider athletics!  Get out and show that Harrison spirit and join the fans who know what it is to be "Raider Proud"!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reason to be Proud!

Friday, August 22 brought about the annual celebration of Raider Pride Night at Harrison.  It was indeed an evening bursting with HHS spirit!  From the food (a casual dinner presented bye the Athletic Booster Club) to the football (Raiders were victorious), everything went wonderfully!  If you weren't able to join us last night, come on out to any Raider athletic event this year and see the pride shine!

Mr. Doug Lesley, principal of Harrison, opens the evening with a heart-felt address highlighting the efforts and enthusiasm of this year's Harrison students.

The Raider Cheerleaders and Harrison Raiderettes, along with several cheer and dance teams from the TSC middle schools,  performed to get everyone jumping with Harrison spirit.

Mmmmmmmmm--Coach Martin's boys are filling those bellies before filling the stands with Raider fans!

The Harrison student body turned out strong ready to cheer the Raiders on to victory!

The Harrison gridiron came alive quick with the Raiders scoring early in the first quarter against the Westfield Shamrocks (a lead that they would never relinquish!)

Bodie Linsenmeyer seemed to find every hole as he worked with his Raider teammates to march down the field to another score.

Raider defense was on the ball (or, in this case, on the helmet)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pool Deck Renovations Underway

Michael Phelps isn't the only one tearing up the pool these days, we are doing a bit of that ourselves here at Harrison!  Although our 'tearing up' isn't in the water, but around it, the pool deck, to be precise.

Harrison's athletic program has partnered with the Harrison Athletic Booster Club and Boilermaker Aquatics to enlist local contractors to completely renovate the deck.  This was a project that was much needed as up until now the deck had carpeting on it which proved to be impractical and unsanitary.  

Step number 1 was simply to remove the carpeting.  Then the entire pool deck was shot blasted by the Rite Way Company of Wolcott under the close watch of owner Ron Deno.  Rite Way had come highly recommended to Harrison's coaches and their work proved the reputation to be deserved.  

Following the shot blasting, Americoat of Indiana came in to relayer, texture, tint and seal the deck.  They, too, have been "wonderfully helpful, professional and hardworking," according to Coach Beth Brown who is coordinating this project. As of this writing, the project is about 80% complete.  

When asked,  several members of the Harrison swim teams, including seniors Colton Withers and Allison Weilbaker, what they thought of the project they responded with optimistic smiles.  They then followed those wry grins up with, "we haven't even dared to peak yet.  We are waiting for the final reveal...and can't wait to see it then!"

Raider Volleyball Comes Out on Top!

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to the members of the Harrison Varsity Volleyball squad for their victorious run at the University of Michigan earlier this month.  Throughout the tournament played out during the UM Team Camp, the Lady Raiders went 14-1 (impressive!!) and took top honors-- placing first!

That's what I call an awesome 'set' to the season--now go in for the kill(s), Raiders!

Pictured are the members of the Varsity Volleyball squad all smiles after contemplating their victorious feat!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mark Your Calendars!

It's almost time for Harrison's annual 

Raider Pride Night
Friday, August 22

before the varsity football team hosts Hoosier Crossroads Conference opponent, Westfield

This night is sponsored by the Harrison Athletic Booster Club and has always been enjoyable, a great way to kick off the new school year!

The evening consists of a meal and entertainment!  HHS Cheerleaders & Raiderettes will be joined by a host of others from our community in showing off their RAIDER PRIDE!

The meal will be served in the Harrison cafeteria from 5:00-6:30.

Kick-off is set for 7:00 pm!  

All signs point to a stellar year of action on the Harrison gridiron!  The preseason reports are awesome.  You won't want to miss a minute!

On August 22 you can head to the game with a belly full of food and a heart pumping with Raider pride!


Now more than ever!

Recently announced budget shifts at Tippecanoe School Corporation have created an increased burden on the already-tight Harrison athletic budget.  In short, rising fuel and transportation costs are being passed on to the athletic department and will require upwards of $19,000 to be taken from the budget for the 2008-09 school year.  This change came without warning and was  communicated via email early last week, leaving the Harrison administration stunned and concerned about its affects on Harrison's athletes.

Mr. Jerry Galema (Athletic Director) addressed the Harrison Athletic Club Booster representative board last week.  After informing those present of the changes, the discussion focused on how the Booster Club could help offset these shifts.  It will now, more than ever, be up to the HABC to financially "fill the gaps" (now chasms!) between what we have and what the athletes need.

So, here's the rub:  We NEED many HABC members!  (unfortunately, as of right now, our membership is way down--we know everyone is feeling the pinch from the tank).  

Please consider joining the efforts of the Harrison Athletic Booster Club so that Harrison athletes can continue to be provided with the equipment and improvements they so deserve.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Announcing the
Harrison Athletic Dept. Annual Golf Outing
Saturday, August 16, 2008
registration deadline extended
visit the Harrison High School main page and click on
Golf Outing icon
for details and registration.

Baseball players hit it big!

Let's hear a "Shout Out!"  for four Harrison baseball players who will be participating in the Colt World Series held here in Lafayette this week.  Congratulations and best of luck to Ryan Black, Tyler Dunk, Ayrton Siple and Vonn Richards who have all earned spots on the Lafayette Colt All-Star Team! 

Big stix, Raiders, big stix!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

'08-09 is almost here!

Yes, the new school year is almost upon us!  Harrison fall sports teams have begun their practices and the outlook for this coming season is bright!  The question is...are YOU going to be a part of Harrison's athletes' success?  We all know there are a lot of aspects to creating a successful athletic program,  not the least of which is financial support (oh yeah, and a very loud fan base in the stands!).  Join forces today with the many other current Raiders and Harrison alumni and become a member of the Harrison Athletic Booster Club!  The various levels are listed on the left sidebar and you can join by simply clicking the DONATE button and following the easy prompts through PayPal's secure system.  

Don't delay...join TODAY!